We need your help, contact Congress!
One of the best ways to support the CVTA is to ask your Senators and Representatives to show their support by signing on as a co-sponsor of the bill.
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See a list of current co-sponsors of the bill here.
Dear <INSERT CONGRESSPERSON’S NAME - Find your congressperson by clicking here>
I ask that you cosponsor the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility (CVTA) Act introduced by Senator Markey and Representative Eshoo.
Since Congress enacted the bipartisan 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA) in 2010, accessibility requirements for people with disabilities have not kept pace with changing technologies. As a result, these individuals do not have full access to many communication and video tools that are essential today. Therefore, Congress must act to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of daily life through accessible communication tools, video programming, and emerging technologies.
The CVTA Act would enhance communications, video and technology accessibility for individuals with disabilities by:
● Requiring closed captioning for online video programming, mirroring current televised video programming requirements;
● Requiring audio description for both online and televised video programming;
● Directing the FCC to create and update quality standards for video programming accessibility;
● Requiring video conferencing services to have built-in accessibility features, such as automatic captioning functions, and the ability to connect sign language interpreters and assistive technologies that are designed to increase access for people with disabilities (e.g., refreshable braille displays);
● Establishing standards for American Sign Language interpretation when provided during video programming;
● Ensuring people with disabilities have equitable access to 9-1-1 emergency services through the use of direct video calling or telecommunications relay services;
● Requiring manufacturers of devices that display video programming, such as televisions and computers, to include features that allow easy activation and customization of closed captioning and audio description preferences;
● Expanding the contribution base for the Telecommunications Relay Services Interstate Fund to ensure its sustainability; and
● Empowering the FCC to ensure accessibility regulations keep pace with emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality platforms.
Please ensure full access to communication and video tools for people with disabilities by cosponsoring the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility (CVTA) Act.
Thank you,
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